Friday, April 1, 2011

FZ Collection at The Lucida

Hello All!

Phew!....These last couple of weeks have been non-stop and I can't wait to tell you about them.  I was asked to design a whole apartment in New York City's first LEED residential building, The Lucida.  You must be asking yourself what does LEED mean? 

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an ecology-oriented building certification program run under the auspices of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED concentrates its efforts on improving performance across five key areas of environmental and human health: energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, materials selection, sustainable site development, and water savings.

The program is designed to educate and inform those in all areas of the design profession how to best design a space in a "Green" way.  And constructing a green building in New York City of all places is no easy feat.  That is why I am so proud to be asked to participate and design for this space.

At the same time I was asked to design for The Lucida, I was also launching my new furniture line FZ Collection.  And what better way to introduce my line to the public than by including them in the design of the apartment.

But wait!  The news gets better.  I had the opportunity to showcase Anthony Quinn's art at The Lucida after the lovely introduction to his wife, Katherine Quinn.

And how to present so much art and design to the public?  With a party of course!  The official FZ Collection Launch Party took place on March 24, 2010.  Guests included people from the design trade, clients, friends and family.  With the jazz pianist playing on the baby grand in the background, guests were able to go from room to room and see how FZ Collection can be incorporated into different designs and uses.  From the Roark desk in the Study/Guest Room to the Gatsby in the Dining area to the Port in the Living Room.  The furniture is not only functional but versatile in its design. You can check out my new FZ collection by clicking on this link

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